I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.


In 2024, your accessories need accessories. Bag charms and brooches are the latest trend, letting people personalise their style. Luxury brands like Miu Miu and Coach offer these items, making it easier to own something from their collections due to their lower price points. This trend, known as ‘Jane Birkinfy’ on TikTok, is inspired by Jane Birkin, one of the original style icons to accessorise this way.


Gen Z is showing a strong interest in credit cards, with Amex successfully attracting younger users by offering perks like travel benefits, event access, and lifestyle rewards. However, research indicates that 15% of Gen Z credit card users are maxed out and struggling with high debt. This financial strain is partly due to lower credit limits and high living costs, highlighting a concerning trend of financial stress among young consumers.


Spotify is raising its premium plan prices for the second time in a year. The individual plan will now cost $11.99 per month, the duo plan $16.99, and the family plan $19.99. The new prices start immediately for new subscribers and next month for current ones. Spotify says these increases are needed to keep improving and innovating their features. This follows a similar price hike last July.


Claudia Sheinbaum has made history as Mexico's first female president, winning a landslide victory with 58-60% of the vote. Formerly the mayor of Mexico City and a climate scientist, Sheinbaum’s victory is a major milestone in a country known for its male-dominated culture. As president, she will tackle challenges like cartel violence and manage relations with the US.

Gingham is one of this summer’s biggest trends, check out some of our favourite pieces below:

With Copenhagen Fashion Week and a host of other cultural events, the city has become a must-visit all year-round. However, it truly shines in the summer, and one thing it is particularly known for is its’ brunch scene. So, we thought we'd share our favourite brunch spots in the Danish capital:

Image by Studio X Kitchen

Studio X Kitchen (our favourite)

Image by Atelier September

Image by Apollo Bar

Image by Apotek 57

This week’s featured app is ‘Forest’ – a tool that helps you stay focused and boost your productivity. The app lets you plant virtual trees that grow while you work, encouraging you to stay off your phone and get things done. It's a simple and effective way to manage your time better, and it even supports real-world tree planting projects.

Image by Forest